maandag 4 oktober 2010

Get lost

I was waiting for the bus, when I saw an old schoolmate. She started talking about that she has missed the train because she could not find her keys. She talked also about that she was too late for school now, but that was not a problem. While we were sitting in the bus she mentioned, ''If you're looking for something you're lost, it's never on the first place you look.'' I thought that was a funny saying, but is it true?

When you loose, for example, your keys, then you would like to find them. And rather as quickly as possible. So you look anywhere, where you think you would find them. But now the tricky question: were your keys really lost, if you find them at the first place you look?

If they do not lay there, you could know another place. But if they also do not lay there, you are about to panic. In my opinion your keys are lost if you cannot find them on the first place or the second place.

Whatever, should you think. Get lost.

Ass. 12

Kerkewijk 12
1234 AB Utrecht
Tel: 0123-456789

7 October, 2010

Daws House
33-35 Daws Lane
London NW7 4SD

Dear Mr Jefferson,

Yesterday, I received the brochure you designed and printed. It was a brochure for the event that I am organising for War Child.

It are very nice brochures, but to my surprise there are two serious spelling mistakes.  You spelled War Child through the whole brochure wrong. And that is not a little detail, as you may understand. Besides you spelled 'verry' instead of very. Unfortunantely there is another thing that went wrong. The picture on the back of the brochure is missing. That must have been a printing mistake, but I expect that you will fix all the mistakes that you have made, and send it back in time.

If not, or if you do not take my complaint seriously, I would not have any problems to call the consumers' organization. But I hope that would not be necessary.

I am looking forward to your reply and I hope this matter will be solved.

Yours sincerely,

'my signature'

Gemma (T)