maandag 14 februari 2011

Happier than ever (2)

I can't tell you how happy I am. As you may remember I tried to explain it to you last week, but that feeling of freedom while you're at school isn't easy to discribe. I also told you last week that I still live at home, and that I have to travel to school, but even that doesn't matter to me.

In fact, if i may say so, I like it. Well, there are some exeptions. I don't like sitting in the train while there are dirty and smelly people sitting next to you, or when someone turns the volume of the Ipod too loud.

But mostly I like travelling by train. My secret? Make it yourself comfortable! Take your jacket off, and lay it over there while you put your bag over there. Get something to drink and to eat. Get something to do. Or not, and decide that you're just going to look out of the window. Feel it! Feel the freedom.

I only like the idea of living in a student's room if I know the students. If i was a milionair I bought a house where my friends and I could live in. That would be perfect. But unfortunately, I am not. The advantages of living on your own are that:
  • you don't have to travel every day, so you can sleep longer
  • you feel more grown up and independent
    Messy student's room
  • nobody tells you that you should clean up your room

And, ofcourse there are much more advantages. But for now, I am happy to live at home. Dinner is always ready, it's clean, my friends live close and I have a hundred times more room than you ever can think of in a student's room.

For now, I am not going to live in a student's room. But can you convince me?

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