zondag 5 september 2010

I'd rather buy a diary

I'm not that kind of girl who writes about anything what's keeping her busy. Especially not on the Internet. I'd rather buy a diary.

I could tell you something about myself. About my name, Gemma. About my birthday, and that I just turned 17. I could tell you that I live in Holland, that I passed my exams in June and that I started at a new school in Utrecht. I could also tell you something about my holiday in England, Italy or Scheveningen. I could tell you about all the great things I've done and seen.

But I won't. Why do you want to know? How important is that?
(Yes it's a challenge, please let me know, and give me the best argument you've in mind.)
You could see this first blog-post as a kick-off towards all my stories about Hogeschool Utrecht and all the other things I just want to tell you.

The ironic thing is, while I told you all the things I don't want to tell you, you know enough about me.

Ass. 2d

To: Staff;
From: Gemma T;
Subject: Meeting
Cc: Manager;

Dear Sir or Madam,

At first I want to thank you for the great work you all do. And as you all know I think it is important to listen to the guests. I have heard a lot of good reviews. For example your enthausiasm, the quick service, and for the cooks: the excellent food.
But I have also heard some little critisism. It is about your clothes which could be a little more decent for certain occasions. I would like to discuss that with you to hear your opinions and ideas about a dress code. So I decided to arrange a meeting on September 10, in my office at 10 o 'clock. You do not have to come, but than you have to accept the decisions we made.

I hope we will come to a great solution, and that we will keep on improving the Hotel together.

Yours faithfully,

Gemma T-----

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