zaterdag 11 september 2010


Last time I told you all the things I actually did not want to tell you. You did not response, so I think that was enough. Now it is time to tell you something about what is keeping me busy.  Today, I am going to tell you something about my work. Which is keeping me litterally busy.

I work at HEMA. It is a typical Dutch shop, which name means something like: Dutch Uniform prices Society Amsterdam. I work at the cake and bread department. (Which is much better than only do 'the cash-work'). Anyway, I have met so many nice people there.

The Eid ul-Fitr cake

Yesterday, a Morrocan girl came to me and asked: 'You don't have that special cake anymore do you?' She meant the Eid ul-Fitr-cake. We did not, but I pointed my finger to other special Eid ul-Fitr products. But she came back and ordered a different cake. I asked her if it was hard, not eating or drinking. 'Not drinking is the hardest part,' she answered. 'But you get used to it. You get used to have a dry mouth during the day.' I said that I respected her, and I asked her how it was like, eating together after sunset. I asked her about Eid ul-Fitr. She said that she really liked it. Being together, eating together.

My point is now: you hear so much bad things about the Morrocan culture. And is not that just the reason why we all 'do not like them'? We do not know their culture and we do not wànt to know. Why not? Is not that the way of participating? Listening to each other, and knowing what their culture is like? Okay, bad things happen, but look further. Or am I just naive? What do you think?
 'Have a nice weekend! And enjoy your cake!' I said.

To: Management
From: Communications Department of Performance Systematix
Date: September 11, 2010
Subject: Super Sports Day

In order to sum up all my arguments for a Super Sports Day, I have written you a memo.
My arguments for organising a Super Sports Day are:
- Good for the health of all the employees
- Nice for the family to know who he/she works with
- Great environment for the Dutch and American employees to work together, in a different way
- Good for the working conditions when employees know each other better.

I was thinking about:
- Tug-of-war
- Beach volleyball
- Sumo wrestling
- And a funny kind of a relay race

Let me know how you think about it.

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